How to Login to the Backend of Your Website

Logging into the Backend of Your Website

• There are three different ways that you can login to the backend of your website.

  1. From your My Account page at
  2. From the My Account page from the front end of your website.
  3. From the Admin URL, which was sent to you after sign up.

1. Logging in from your account. (recommended)

• Go to the My Account section at

• Login using the Username and Password that you created when at Sign Up.

•  Once logged in go to the ‘My Website’ section of your Account Dashboard.


• In the My Website section, you will see the ‘Login As:’ button. Simply click the button and you will be automatically logged into the backend of your website.

• From your Account Dashboard you can manage all of your website subscriptions, payment detals, and more.


2. Logging in from the Frontend of  Your Website.

• You can use the Login Credentials that were sent to you after sign up.

• Navigate to your Website.

• Go to the My Account page.

• Input your Login Credentials to login.

• Once logged in, the Toolbar will appear at the top of the screen. Select the PrintShop|Hub logo in the top left corner to navigate to the backend.




3. Logging in through the Admin URL.

• Navigate to the Admin URL sent you after signup.

• You can use the Login Credentials to login to the backend from this screen.



The Backend

• Once you have navigated to the Backend of your website, you are ready to customize your site and add all of your prices.


• This is the Backend of your website. Continue on to the following article to learn how to setup your website to start making sales.